Effect of acidity of continuous phase on formation and stability of Octanol-in-water emulsions 连续相酸碱性对正辛醇/水乳液稳定性的影响
Optimal placement for continuous phase plate ( CPP) in terminal optical system of the Inertial Confinement Fusion ( ICF) driver has been studied. 对激光惯性约束聚变(ICF)驱动器终端光学系统中连续相位板(CPP)的位置优化进行了研究。
Analysis of Continuous Phase Plates Applying Position for TIL Facility 神光Ⅲ原型装置中连续相位板的应用位置分析
A Non-coherent Composite Trellis Demodulation Algorithm of Continuous Phase Modulation 连续相位调制的非相干复合网格解调算法
According to the requirement of beam smoothing in laser systems, the continuous phase plate with Gaussian distribution is designed. 针对激光系统对光束匀滑的需求,设计了高斯型连续相位板,并对其远场特性进行了研究。
Continuous Phase Modulation ( CPM) is widely used in wireless communications especially in military communications due to its high power and bandwidth efficiency. 连续相位调制(CPM)以其较高的功率有效性和带宽利用率,在无线通信领域尤其是军事通信领域得到广泛应用。
A Study on the Movement Characteristic of Dispersed Phase in Turbulent Continuous Phase in Multiphase Metallurgical Reactor 冶金多相反应器内分散相在湍流连续相中的运动特性研究
Simplified receiver for continuous phase QPSK modulation 连续相位QPSK调制的简化接收机
We study the use a continuous phase modulation ( CPM) system providing mobile data service withQPSK transmission for a telemedicine system. 我们研究使用连续相位调制(CPM)的系统,提供移动数据服务QPSK调制传输的远程医疗系统。
Equalization Algorithms for Continuous Phase Modulation on Long Delay Spread Channels 连续相位调制信号在长时延扩展信道下的均衡算法
The continuous phase must increase in order to decrease viscosity. 连续相必须为减少粘滞性而增加。
The ratio between the continuous phase and the dispersed phase has a strong influence on the viscosity. 连续相与分散相的比率对其粘滞性有着很强的影响。
Water used as continuous phase in polyurethane was friendly environmentally and conserved valuable resource comparing to the organic solvent. 相对于溶剂,以水为聚氨酯的连续相,具有环境友好,节约资源等宝贵特点。
Iterative Decoding of Serially Concatenated Continuous Phase Modulation System and Its Improvement; Novel primary series matching scheme for piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer 串行级联CPM系统的迭代译码及其改进压电超声换能器初级串联匹配新方法
This scheme uses smooth wave instead of discontinuous wave, so the wave in time field is continuous phase and has good frequency spectrum characteristics. 该方案用平滑的波形来替换前后码元的不连续跳变,从而得到相位连续的时域波形,波形平滑、频谱主瓣窄、滚降速度快。
As opposed to gas-liquid systems, there is an interchange of gas between bubble and continuous phase in fluidized beds. 与气-液系统不同的是,在流化床中气泡和连续相之间有气体交换。
In order to obtain the continuous phase distribution of the deformed object, it is necessary to take some proper methods to remove the noises in the fringe. 为了得到变形物体的连续相位分布,需要用适当的方法对散斑干涉条纹图像进行滤波降噪处理。
Code Scheme Suitable for Continuous Phase Modulation 一种与连续相位调制相适应的信道编码技术
The swelling of Polymer is the basis of continuous phase at low concentration. 聚合物溶胀是聚合物在较低的浓度下形成连续相的基础。
Special designations have been devised for oil and water emulsions to indicate which is the dispersed and which the continuous phase. 此设计特殊指称油和水乳剂的分散,表明这是连续的阶段。
It shows that oil and gas moves from source rock to reservoir rock in continuous phase. 研究认为,油气是以连续相的形式从源岩运移到储集岩的。
Frequency-shaping pulse is one of the essential modulation parameters for the demodulation of Continuous Phase Modulation ( CPM), and it is determined by the pulse shape and pulse length. 频率成形脉冲是连续相位调制(CPM)信号解调所必需的调制参数,由脉冲形状和脉冲长度两个参数共同决定。
In this case, the continuous phase is aqueous and the dispersed phase is oil. 就这种情况来说,虽然连续相是水,分散相是油。
Frequency-domain equalization for continuous phase frequency shift keying 连续相位频移键控信号的频域均衡算法
Under the state of equal structure parameters and equal production capacity, the viscosimet of continuous phase medium is the main factor affecting detached effect. 应用结果表明:在结构参数和生产能力相同的条件下,连续相介质的黏度是影响分离效果的主要因素;
Application of Continuous Phase Modulation and Demodulation in the High Speed Frequency-hopping System 连续相位调制及其解调在高速跳频系统中的应用
It also provides a new reference for measuring production profile flowrates when water is continuous phase. 而且也为当水为连续相的产出剖面流量测量提供一个新参考思路。
In order to validate the model, the technique of continuous phase modulation is applied to build the simulation system in the paper and the entire simulation system is achieved by C language under VC++ 6.0 development environment. 为了对该模型进行验证,文中采用了连续相位调制技术来搭建仿真系统,并在VC++6.0环境下用C语言实现了该系统。
Continuous phase modulation ( CPM), an efficient modulation, has been developed very quickly in recent years. CPM(连续相位调制)是近年来发展很快的一种高效的调制技术。
The Continuous Phase Modulation ( CPM) is suitable in digital microwave communication with the high spectral efficiency. 因此连续相位调制(CPM)方式作为一种高频带利用率的调制方式十分适合应用在数字微波中设计的高速通信系统。